ILT Global Report

ILT Global Report

ILT Global Report To see the ILT Global Report, click on “Analytics” from you Dashboard Menu. Once in the Analytics tool, click “ILT Report” from the Analytics Menu Bar.  This report displays all sessions that have been created on all … Continued
Course Summary Report

Course Summary Report

Course Summary Report To see the Course Report, click on “Analytics” from you Dashboard Menu. Once in the Analytics tool, click “Course Report” from the Analytics Menu Bar.You can now choose any course on the platform from the drop-down list. … Continued
Course Progress Report

Course Progress Report

Course Progress As a course analytics admin, you will have the ability to check, and download course progress reports. These reports give section by section scores and completions. To access the Course Progress Report, click on “Analytics” from you Dashboard … Continued
Course Time Spent Report

Course Time Spent Report

Course Time Spent Report As a course analytics admin, you will have the ability to check, and download Time Spent (In Course) reports. These reports give sub-section level time spent statistics. To access the Time Spent report, click on “Analytics” … Continued
Learner Report

Learner Report

Learner Report To see the Learner Report, click on “Analytics” from you Dashboard Menu. Once in the Analytics tool, click “Learner Report” from the Analytics Menu Bar. With this report a Triboo Analytics administrator can see a user’s platform-wide statistics. … Continued
How to use the date range filter on Analytics?

How to use the date range filter on Analytics?

How to use the date range filter on Triboo Analytics? Select the calendar icon called “Period” to use the date range filter. Course Report – Summary The date range filter displays the state of learners at the end of the … Continued
ILT Learner Report

ILT Learner Report

ILT Learner Report To see the ILT Global Report, click on “Analytics” from you Dashboard Menu. Once in the Analytics tool, click “ILT Report” from the Analytics Menu Bar.  This report displays all learners that are enrolled to an ILT … Continued