Creating Your ILT Session

Creating Your ILT Session

Creating Your ILT Session Once the block has been selected and the ILT session is added to the course. The rest of the ILT management is done right from the course page. This is a convenient way to allow instructors … Continued
Validating ILT Sessions

Validating ILT Sessions

Validating ILT Sessions After an ILT session has been completed, the Instructor must validate completion for the attendees. 1. To validate the completion of any student who has partaken in the ILT session, a course admin member must go to … Continued
Configuring ILT Components

Configuring ILT Components

Enable ILT into the course In order to create an ILT Module within a course, go to Studio and choose Blended Learning from the Add New Component pane. From the Blended Learning list choose Instructor Led Trainingto insert the ILT XBlock into the … Continued
Enrolling in ILT Sessions

Enrolling in ILT Sessions

Enrolling in ILT Sessions As a learner, you have now 2 different option to enroll into an face-to-face or virtual session (also called ILT). A- First Option To enroll in an ILT session learners can navigate into the ILT Calendar … Continued