Learning Path About and Overview Pages

Learning Path About and Overview Pages

Learning Path About (from the catalog) and Overview (from My Training page) Pages Learner will have access to: Learning Path Name Learning Path main image Learning Path Start Date Learning Path End Date Learning Path Duration Main Language Learning Path … Continued
Creating a Learning Path

Creating a Learning Path

Creating a Learning Path In order to create a new learning path, log on the Studio. � Note: You must have the right role on Triboo: “Studio Admin – Courses and Learning Paths” and the Learning Path feature must be … Continued
Learning Path Cards

Learning Path Cards

Your learning path will be represented on each platform pages as learning path cards. Each learning path card is filled with valuable information to give you feedback on your status. Learning path cards contain the following information: One-Click Access to … Continued
Managing Your Learning Path Team

Managing Your Learning Path Team

Managing Your Learning Path Team � Note: You must have the right role on Triboo: “Studio Admin – Courses and Learning Paths” and the Learning Path feature must be enable on your platform. Go to the Settings tab and choose the … Continued
Add Courses to a Learning Path

Add Courses to a Learning Path

Add Courses to a Learning Path Go to the Settings tab and choose the section Schedule and details. You can add courses to your learning path, in the “Add Courses” section of the page. You can see the list of courses … Continued
Delete a Learning Path

Delete a Learning Path

Delete a Learning Path Only platform Admins can delete Learning Paths. �Note: Deleting a learning path and all related data is permanent and cannot be undone. We will not be able to recover the learning path or the data that … Continued
Setting Up Learning Path Dates

Setting Up Learning Path Dates

Setting Up Learning Path Dates All dates are automatically changed according to the course dates inside the Learning Path. If you want to modify it, you should change the dates of the course, but be carefull as it might have … Continued