Adding a table without borders

Adding a table without borders

Add a “Text” component and switch to HTML mode. Code to insert for a table without borders <table width=”100%”> <tbody> <tr> <td width=”50%” style=”border:0px solid white !important;”> <p><strong> Left Column</strong></p> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vestibulum … Continued
Adding Text Blank Field

Adding Text Blank Field

Let Learners create a Word document that can be saved on their computer. Create a Raw HTML and enter the following code: Click on “Save” button Learner platform display :
Subsection Estimated Time

Subsection Estimated Time

Subsection Estimated Time 1. To add the estimated time for each subsection of your course. In the Course Outline, click on the clock icon to open a popup. 2. Add the time (HH:MM) you think the learner must spend on … Continued
Curated Content Component

Curated Content Component

The component will allow a Studio Admin to add curated external content on the Studio to enrich their courses. This component is using the Edflex technologie and expertise. *This feature is a paid-option and is included if you are an … Continued
Advanced Module List

Advanced Module List

In the Advanced Settings you can decide to enable certain types of components that will appear in the Add New Component list that will appear when you create your unit, here you can find the list of all Advanced Module … Continued


Discussions You can add discussion components to a unit to ask questions about course content. A discussion component gives learners a chance to answer to and interact with each other about a specific topic. You can check this post to … Continued
Course Pacing

Course Pacing

Course Pacing When you create a course, you can set the schedule of the course, including due dates for assignments or you can allow learners to work at their own pace. Courses that follow a schedule that you set are … Continued
Adding e-learning Modules (CD-Rom Format) to your Course

Adding e-learning Modules (CD-Rom Format) to your Course

Adding an e-learning module in iframe – as a pop up Upload the e-learning module (must be exported from the initial authoring tool in CD-Rom format) file to the Amazon Bucket then retrieve the URL link Create a background image … Continued
Close a forum

Close a forum

Close a forum If you have the role “Discussion admin” you can choose to close a forum, go to the learners’ interface. 1. Click on the Discussion tab and then on the forum you want to close. 2. Click on … Continued
Working with the default pages

Working with the default pages

Working with the default pages Current pages appear as the main course tabs for the learner. It allows them to navigate between the course updates (called “Home”), the course itself, the discussion forums, their course progress and many more if … Continued