Adding a Randomized Quiz to Your Course

Adding a Randomized Quiz to Your Course

Once you have created a Question Bank in Studio, you can now apply it to any course. If you would like to add a Randmoized Quiz into your course, just follow the steps below: Go to the section of the … Continued
Adding Radio Button with Text

Adding Radio Button with Text

Let Learners create a Word document that can be saved on their computer. Create a Raw HTML and enter the following code: Elements highlighted in blue are customizable depending on the image and the size. Elements highlighted in yellow are … Continued
Word Cloud

Word Cloud

Adding a cloud of key words (also known as: Word Cloud) The learner enters the words in answer to a question, for example. All the words written by the learner appears in a graphic design. The design expands as the … Continued
Adding several images to a quiz

Adding several images to a quiz

Adding several images to a quiz 1. Upload all the images to Files & Uploads and note the image’s static code displayed in the studio. 2. Inside the quiz component, insert the following HTML code. Elements in bold are customizable … Continued
Adding Team Members to your Course

Adding Team Members to your Course

Adding Team Members to your Course Within the Studio: 1. Go to the Settings tab and choose the section Instructor Team. 2. Click on Add a New Team Member. 3. Add the email address of the new team, then click … Continued
Our tips to create a course

Our tips to create a course

Our tips to create a course You will find on this post our main tips to create and promote a course on Triboo. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Best practices for courses Course description: add a course description to present the pedagogical objectives and … Continued
Automatic Course Re-enrollment

Automatic Course Re-enrollment

Once you have created a course, you can edit it’s scheduling details by going to Studio and clicking Settings in the main menu, then Schedule and Details. Once in Schedule and Details, scroll down to the secion called “Course Reminders” … Continued