Options possible with video components

Options possible with video components

Options possible with video components Option 1: pop-up video To create a pop up video effect, copy and paste the following HTML code in a Raw HTML component and change the highlighted in blue text. Learner platform display (before clicking … Continued
Quiz Component

Quiz Component

It allows you to add different types of problems, such as Multiple Choice Questions (QCMs), Dropdowns, Numerical input, and Text input. To properly create your Quiz component, you can navigate through 3 different tabs: Settings The first Settings tab allows … Continued
Adding Team Members to your Course

Adding Team Members to your Course

Adding Team Members to your Course Within the Studio: 1. Go to the Settings tab and choose the section Instructor Team. 2. Click on Add a New Team Member. 3. Add the email address of the new team, then click … Continued
Our tips to create a course

Our tips to create a course

Our tips to create a course You will find on this post our main tips to create and promote a course on Triboo. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Best practices for courses Course description: add a course description to present the pedagogical objectives and … Continued