My Learning Transcript

My Learning Transcript

My Learning Transcript To see the Learning Transcript, learner can click on “View my learning transcript” button from her/his Dashboard. �Note:  Analytics Admin can have access to a learner Learning Transcript, by clicking on the learner’s name from the Learner … Continued
Validating ILT Sessions

Validating ILT Sessions

Validating ILT Sessions After an ILT session has been completed, the Instructor must validate completion for the attendees. 1. To validate the completion of any student who has partaken in the ILT session, a course admin member must go to … Continued
Navigating Your Course

Navigating Your Course

The course pages are very easy to navigate, but first there are some important components that require familiarization. Course Menu Bar The first thing to notice is the Course Menu Bar. It is located right above the course content. This … Continued
Adding Sections & Sub-sections to Your Course

Adding Sections & Sub-sections to Your Course

Adding Sections & Sub-sections to Your Course Just like a “classic” course the content of an online course is divided into several parts, which are subdivided into smaller elements, etc. In Studio, these elements are called Sections, Subsections and Units.  The Units are made up of Components (texts, videos, PDF, … Continued
Blank Quiz

Blank Quiz

Blank Quiz 1. Click on “Quiz” 2. Select “Blank Quiz” 3. Click on the pen icon to edit the component 4. On all common problems, you will have the same choice tab. If you wish to add a header on … Continued
Image Mapped Input

Image Mapped Input

Image Mapped Input Allows to choose a problem type by putting the pointer on an image. The learner must place the curser (green dot) on the thumbnail image to answer the question. 1. Choose from the list of advanced problems … Continued
Adding an explanation/ feedback to a quiz solution

Adding an explanation/ feedback to a quiz solution

Adding an explanation/ feedback to a quiz solution Allows to give an explanation, once the evaluation is completed. This option can be used for the following problems: “Blank Common Problem”, “Numerical input”, “Drop down list”, “Multiple choice question”, “Single choice … Continued
Adding a Randomized Quiz to Your Course

Adding a Randomized Quiz to Your Course

Once you have created a Question Bank in Studio, you can now apply it to any course. If you would like to add a Randmoized Quiz into your course, just follow the steps below: Go to the section of the … Continued
Adding Radio Button with Text

Adding Radio Button with Text

Let Learners create a Word document that can be saved on their computer. Create a Raw HTML and enter the following code: Elements highlighted in blue are customizable depending on the image and the size. Elements highlighted in yellow are … Continued
Word Cloud

Word Cloud

Adding a cloud of key words (also known as: Word Cloud) The learner enters the words in answer to a question, for example. All the words written by the learner appears in a graphic design. The design expands as the … Continued