Export Certificates in Bulk

Export Certificates in Bulk

Export Certificates in Bulk This feature allows you to export in bulk certificates of learners. 1. Go to the learners’ platform, go to Instructor, Certificates, and then to Certificate Export. 2. Write the email address and/or usernames of the learners … Continued
Certificate Regeneration

Certificate Regeneration

To regenerate certificates for a full course roster, you must first go to the Instructor tab > Certificates. Scroll down to the section called “Regenerate Certificates”. Here you will see three options you can check. Check the option that says: … Continued
Certificate Exceptions

Certificate Exceptions

Certificate Exceptions You can set exceptions for certificates in order to generate certificates for learners who have not yet qualified for a certificate, but, have been given a waiver by the course team. 1. Go to the learners’ platform, go … Continued
Invalidate Certificates

Invalidate Certificates

If you need to have a particular user’s certificate invalidated, it is an easy process. First go to the Instructor > Certificates tab. From here, just scroll down to the section called Invalidate Certificates. In the first field you must … Continued
Creating Your ILT Session

Creating Your ILT Session

Creating Your ILT Session Once the block has been selected and the ILT session is added to the course. The rest of the ILT management is done right from the course page. This is a convenient way to allow instructors … Continued
Validating ILT Sessions

Validating ILT Sessions

Validating ILT Sessions After an ILT session has been completed, the Instructor must validate completion for the attendees. 1. To validate the completion of any student who has partaken in the ILT session, a course admin member must go to … Continued
My Learning Transcript

My Learning Transcript

My Learning Transcript To see the Learning Transcript, learner can click on “View my learning transcript” button from her/his Dashboard. �Note:  Analytics Admin can have access to a learner Learning Transcript, by clicking on the learner’s name from the Learner … Continued
Adding a table without borders

Adding a table without borders

Adding a table without borders In the unit created, under Add New Component, click on HTML. From the selection list, click on Text. An empty component appears. Inside this component, click on EDIT. The component editor appears. Switch to HTML … Continued
Adding a Full Screen Image Tool

Adding a Full Screen Image Tool

Adding a Full Screen Image Tool 1. Upload your image file to the Files & Uploads page. 2. Under Add New Component, select HTML, and then Text. 3. In the new component that appears, select Edit. 4. Select HTML from … Continued
Adding a Button Feature with Link

Adding a Button Feature with Link

Adding a Button Feature with Link You can add a clickable button with the following HTML code. Change the elements highlighted in bold to personalize your own button. <div style=”text-align: center;”><a class=”button” href=”https://training-otif-adeo.learningtribes.com/courses/coursev1:ADEO+A01+2017_T3/courseware/ e5a4dd5d09c842aca337df0b21e9ef9a/ 64f8dc75038c42cfb45e1 73c97ab33cf/“>Je commence mon parcours !</a> … Continued