Login Errors

Login Errors

At times, users may find themselves unable to login to the platform. this can occur for a number of reasons. Below we will cover some of the most common causes of these errors. Depending on the specification of your platform. … Continued


Dashboard Your Triboo Dashboard is the central hub of all your learning experience. There is a variety of information that can be accessed through the dashboard. Whether it be showcasing all your current learning offerings, or delivering you the latest … Continued
Your Account

Your Account

To access your account settings, go to the menu at the top right of each page. Click on the arrow to see the drop-down menu and choose Account. In the Account Settings page you can edit such information as: Full … Continued
Course Cards

Course Cards

Your courses will be represented on each platform pages as course cards. Each course card is filled with valuable information to give you feedback on your status in each course. Course cards contain the following information: One-Click Access to Course … Continued
User Roles

User Roles

In Triboo, user roles can be granted at two general levels. First from the Platform Admin level, where general user permissions can be granted. Secondly, permissions can be granted at the Course level. Here we will summarize each permission and … Continued
Checking your Progress

Checking your Progress

Checking your Progress In order to check how you are progress through a course, all you need to do is click on the Progress Tab of your Course Menu. In this tab you will be able to see: Badge Collection … Continued
Keeping Up-to-Date with Course Updates and News

Keeping Up-to-Date with Course Updates and News

To find out the latest news and updates for a course, just click on the Course Presentation. This is an area where the instructor can put updates, news, and information of the course. It is your on-stop place to stay … Continued
Accessing Your Certificate

Accessing Your Certificate

Accessing Your Certificate In a course that has certificates enabled, learners can download their certificate on-demand, once they have passed the course to do this just go to the “Progress” Tab. You will see a notice that claims that “Your … Continued


Discussions You can add discussion components to a unit to ask questions about course content. A discussion component gives learners a chance to answer to and interact with each other about a specific topic. You can check this post to … Continued
Access to the Studio

Access to the Studio

Access to the Studio Triboo’s course authoring tool is called “Studio”. Access to studio is designated by the platform Admin and is reserved for Studio Admins or Instructors of courses. Your platform Admin will grant you access, and should provide … Continued