Set a Course as Mandatory

Set a Course as Mandatory

Set a Course as Mandatory Indicate to learners which course is mandatory in a quick look. 1. In the Studio go to Settings, and then to Schedule & Details. 2. Go to β€œRequirements” part and tick the Course Mandatory Flag … Continued
Gap fill with suggested answers (dropdown list – advanced)

Gap fill with suggested answers (dropdown list – advanced)

Gap fill with suggested answers (dropdown list – advanced) Allows to create a text with gaps to fill with an answer chosen from several answers suggested. Select the Blank Advanced Problem component and type in the LMS the HTML code … Continued
Options possible with video components

Options possible with video components

Options possible with video components Option 1: pop-up video To create a pop up video effect, copy and paste the following HTML code in a Raw HTML component and change the highlighted in blue text. Learner platform display (before clicking … Continued
Adding Team Members to your Course

Adding Team Members to your Course

Adding Team Members to your Course Within the Studio: 1. Go to the Settings tab and choose the section Instructor Team. 2. Click on Add a New Team Member. 3. Add the email address of the new team, then click … Continued
Our tips to create a course

Our tips to create a course

Our tips to create a course You will find on this post our main tips to create and promote a course on Triboo. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Best practices for courses Course description: add a course description to present the pedagogical objectives and … Continued