It allows you to add different types of problems, such as Multiple Choice Questions (QCMs), Dropdowns, Numerical input, and Text input.

To properly create your Quiz component, you can navigate through 3 different tabs:


The first Settings tab allows you to define all the parameters you need for your Quiz:


The second tab, Quiz, is where you create your content. Here, you can add one of 5 different types of Quiz: MCQ: Single answer, MCQ: Multiple answers, Dropdown, Numerical input, and Text input.

Text Input

Allows to ask a question with only one correct answer possible.
The answer is not case sensitive; example « answer » ou « Answer » are both accepted

In the Quiz component, add your text entry, complete the fields and add additional answers:

Numerical Input

A numerical input problem accepts text input by the learner and evaluates it based on its numeric value. The answer is correct if it is within a specified numerical tolerance of the expected answer.
Put the answer first and add, if necessary after the +- sign, the margin or percentage of error.


Allows to ask a question with a choice of answers in a drop down list.

MCQ: Single answer

A MCQ: Single answer exercise presents several options from which the learner can only select one.

MCQ: multiple answers

With Checkboxes, you can have more than one correct choice. (This is opposed to MCQ: multiple answers, which only permits one right answer out of many) All correct options must contain an x in the selection brackets.

Advanced Editor

This editor will allow you to directly edit the open learning XML (OLX) of your problem and create more advanced content using code.

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