Learning Path Visibility in the Catalog

To manage the learning path visibility in the catalog, go to Schedule and Details in the learning path of your choice.

By default, the learning path visibility is set to “Private”. You have 3 options that you can choose in the drop down list:

  • Full Public: The course is available on the catalog (explore page) and open for self-registration.
  • Accessible by URL: The course is not visible on the catalog but the course about page can be accessible when a user is logged in and then he/she can self-enroll into the course.
  • Private: The course is not visible on the catalog and the course about page is not accessible.

You can change the visibility in the catalog, except if your learning path is already set as β€œPrivate” and contains Private courses.

Note: All courses of a learning path are always visible on its overview.

Visibility Rules of the Overview Page

  • Enrolled learners, non-enrolled learners, members of the learning path team, and Platform admin can access the overview page of a published learning path set as β€œFull public”.
  • Enrolled learners, non-enrolled learners, members of the learning path team, and Platform admin can access the overview page of a published learning path set as β€œAccessible by URL”.
  • Enrolled learners, members of the learning path team, and Platform admin can access the overview page of a published learning path set as β€œPrivate”.
  • Non-enrolled learners cannot access the overview page of a published learning path set as β€œPrivate”.

Note: Before the Learning Path is published, it does NOT appear in the catalogue and learners can NOT access its overview page.

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