Customized Report
To see the Customized Report, click on “Analytics” from you Dashboard Menu. Once in the Analytics tool, click “Customized Report” from the Analytics Menu Bar.
You can now set your customized export by sfollowing 5 steps:
- First, select the report you want to export
- Then, if relevant the courses you want to have in your export (note that you can select more than one course for the Course Summary Report, if the report do not exceed 300,000 lines for CSV and JSON, 65,000 lines for XLS
- Filter the data, if relevent, with user properties and a time-range period
- Select the user properties to display except for ILT Global Report
- And finnaly, choose the export format: CSV, XLS, or JSON formats
Once clicked on “Go“, the reports will then be populated in a list at the top of the page (small cloud icon), and can be downloaded just by clicking on the link.