The component will allow a Studio Admin to add curated external content on the Studio to enrich their courses. This component is using the Edflex technologie and expertise.

*This feature is a paid-option and is included if you are an Edflex client.

1. In the unit created, under  Add New Component, click on Advanced.
2. From the selection list, click on Curated Content. A component appears.

3. Inside the component, select the formay of content you want to add: Podcast, video, MOOC, article or book

4. Choose a category, then a language and finally choose the resource you want to use.

Any content available? Then change one of the parameters you previously selected.

When the Curated Content component is updated on Triboo?

The Edflex catalog is updated on Triboo twice a day at 5AM and 5PM UTC Time. So any changes on Edflex side will be then reflected on the component choices.

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