Checklist before launching your course on Triboo

You just end your course creation and you are ready to register learners to this course. Before that, you can check that you complete the list below๐Ÿ‘‡:

  • Content > Course Outline
    • Check that all sections, subsections and units are published
    • Check the dates if you decide to open sections and/or subsections at a specific date and time
    • You have add a subsection estimated time for each subsection (optional)
    • You have linked badges to the right subsection
    • You have set up subsection prerequisite (optional)
    • You have checked the grading activities rules (maximum number of attemps and problem weight)
  • Content > Course Updates
    • I have add an update to lauch my course (optional)
  • Content > Pages
    • Hide the Progress page if you do not have badge inside your course
    • Hide the Discussion page if you do not have forum into your course
  • Settings > Schedule and Details
    • The course start date and time is set up
    • The fields under course details are filled to better classify the course in the catalog (optional and if the catalog tab is shown to learners)
    • The course description describes well the course and states its pedagogical objectives
    • You have add a course duration (optional)
    • You have modified the course card image
    • You have customized the course banner image and/or a course introduction video to your course (optional)
    • You have presented the instructors of your course (optional)
    • You have set up course automatic reminders and/or prerequisite (optional)
  • Settings > Grading
    • You have check all assignment rules and the overall grade range
  • Settings > Course Team
    • You have add members to your course team (optional)
    • Settings > Advanced Settings
    • You have made the course accessible on the catalog (optional and if the catalog tab is shown to learners)
  • On the LMS > ILT Sessions
    • You have created your ILT sessions (optional)

๐Ÿš€ If you have checked all the items above, then you can launch your course.

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