Use Course Template

Our digital team created just for you some course templates that you can use if you don’t want to not create course from scratch. To use this template, just follow the steps below👇:

Step1: Download one of the template according to the main pedagogical challenge you want to meet. Note that the .tar.gz file cannot be open outside of the platform.

Template – Microlearning Elearning Module and Quiz

This template will allow you to create a very short course with one unit composed of a elearning module and one quiz.

Template – Microlearning Video and Quiz

This template will allow you to create a very short course with one unit composed of a video component and one quiz.

Template – Microlearning PDF and Quiz

This template will allow you to create a very short course with one unit composed of a PDF component and one quiz.

Template – SPOC or MOOC (Small Private Online Course or Massive Open Online Course)

This template will allow you to create a course of 5 sections (corresponding of 5 weeks for example) divided in one Welcome section, 3 sections focused on 3 main topics and one closing section. Three badges and forums are also already set-up in this template.

Template – Blended Learning Course

This template will allow you to create a course of 8 sections (3 online training and 3 in-class training) divided in one Welcome section, 3 sections focused on 3 main topics and one closing section. Six badges are also already set-up in this template.

Step 2: Create a course.

Step 3: Go under “Import” page and then import the file you’ve just download without modifying anything from the .tar.gz file.

Step 4: Then read the first unit of this course to use perfectly the template.

Enjoy our course templates! 👋

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