In Triboo, we are able to integrate SCORM as well as HTML output from Articulate Storyline. This article will explain how to integrate HTML components.

1- In Storyline, save your file as HTML. This will output a zip folder that contains all the elements necessary for the HTML component to function properly.

2- Make sure the file is extracted (unzipped) and upload the entire project folder onto a hosting portal. Make sure to specify that the content is “Public”. If the content is not set to “Public”, you will recieve Access Denied errors when integrating the content in Triboo.

3- Within the hosting service, copy the link of the story.html file. It will be located in the root of the project folder.

4- In Triboo, add a Text or Raw HTML component. Use the HTML editor and add this code:

<center><iframe width="###" height="###" title="Hover" src="link/to/your/story.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe></center>

You can control the size of the IFrame, bu manipulting the “width” and “height”. Make sure to paste the link to your story.html file as the source (scr=”LINK”)

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