How to use the date range filter on Triboo Analytics?

Select the calendar icon called “Period” to use the date range filter.

Course Report – Summary

The date range filter displays the state of learners at the end of the selected period for learners who visited the course during this period.

Course Report – Grades

For learners who visited the course during the selected period, we display the scores for each badge on the last day Analytics ran during the period selected.

Course Report – Time Spent

For learners who visited the course during the selected period, Triboo Analytics displays the time users spent in the course during this period.

For example, the selected period is May 2 – May 8, the time spent during the period is calculated by using the following formula:

  total time spent in the course on May 8
- total time spent in the course on May 1
= time spent in the course during period

Learner Report

It displays the state of learners at the end of the selected period for learners who visited the platform during this period. Users who didn’t access the platform during the selected period won’t appear in the report.

The total time spent shows the time learners spent on the platform during the selected period.

The time spent is calculated by using the difference between the beginning and end of the selected period.

ILT Global Report

Triboo Analytics will displayed sessions that have a start date included in the selected period.

ILT Learner Report

Triboo Analytics will displayed users who are enrolled to a session that have a start date included in the period selected.

This article might also interest you: How to use filters on Triboo Analytics?

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