There is 2 way to register a learner on the platform:
- Using a CSV file to regsiter users in batch
- Registering users one by one
Register users in batch with a CSV file
Go on the Admin Panel and click on “Import Users (.csv)” button.
Open the CSV file in Excel. Select the first compacted cell and click on “Convert” (under the “Data” tab). Choose “Delimited” if it is not already selected, and then click Next. Select the delimiter “Comma” to define the places where you want to split the cell content. The Data preview section shows you what your content would look like. Click on Finish.
Once the file is saved, open it and fill out the columns with the pertinent learner account information.
Fill the cell with the required fields at minimum:
- First name
- Last name
- Username
- Email
- Password
- Gender
- Language
- Country
- Company
Username: 2-30 characters must contain only letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) no special characters (à, é, è, ç, ù, …)
Password: Minimum length 6; maximum length 75; at least 1 digits; 1 upper case; 1 lower case; 1 punctuation
Gender: m (male), f (female), o (other)
Year of birth: YYYY
Language: en, fr, zh, pt, de <!> respect the case
Country: FR, CN, US, BR <!> respect the case / ISO code:
After filling out the template, save the file as a “CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (*.csv)” (Excel 2016 _ 365 version) or “Comma-separated values (.csv)“, re-open the file with a text editor such as notepad++, replace every “;” (semicolon) by “,” (comma), delete the 1rst line (the template line)and save it again.
Then upload it back into the platform by clicking the “Import a CSV file” button, next to the and then click on “Register” button to submit the file.
If you get an error notification, check the error message and modify the file in consequence. Here are some first check with usual mistakes:
- the specification detailed above are not followed
- the number of columns doesn’t equals to 21
- the separator is not a comma “,”
This option gives the admin a fast and convenient way to enrol a large amounts of learners at a time.
! To keep special caracter such as (é,è,ë, ô,ïç…), check this article:
� Note: If users already exist on the platform (in the database) you can update one or more user(s) by clicking on the button Update user accounts by using the the batch_update_template.csv downloadable just above.
Register users one by one
When adding a new user in the Admin Panel, follow these steps:
- Go to the Admin Panel, if you have the right permission.
- On the top-right of the page, click the “Add user +” button.
- Create a Username, we suggest to create a username with only letters and that is explicit enought to know who the user is
- Associate a Password (Minimum length 6; maximum length 75; at least 1 digits; 1 upper case; 1 lower case; 1 punctuation)
- Add required personal information for the user such as Email address, First Name, Last Name and Full Name
- You can then change the permission of the user. By default the user will be a simple learner with no extra role or permission.
NOTE: You must, at minimum, add the above listed fields. The other fields are optional (or specific to a client) for manual user account information.