View a Learner’s Progress Page

To view a specific learner’s Progress page, you need their email address or username. You can check the progress for learners who are enrolled in the course.

Learners can view their own progress chart and assignment scores when they are logged in to the course.

To view the Progress page for a specific learner, follow these steps.

1. View the live version of your course.

2. Select Progress Page

3. In the Username or email field that appears, enter the learner’s username or email address*.

The learner Progress page displays a general idea of what badges were acquired, or not. By clicking on a badge, you can directly access the targeted exercise.

It also allows them to know, for each badge, what score they got and how much he should have had to obtain the badge.

�Note: The View as learner in a specific cohort option does not allow you to see the completion rate for a specific user. The completion rate you see is your own. You must select a specific learner to do so.

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