To reset the number of attempts for a single learner, follow these steps.

  1. Obtain the learner’s username or email address.
  2. View the live version of your course.
  3. Select Course and navigate to the component that contains the problem you want to reset.
  4. Display the problem, and then select Staff Debug Info. The Staff Debug viewer opens.
  5. In the Username field, enter the learner’s email address or username, and then select Reset Student Attempts.
  6. To close the Staff Debug viewer, click on the browser page outside of the viewer.

Reset all Learner’s Attempt for a Problem

To reset the number of attempts that all enrolled learners have for a problem, follow these steps. Obtain the location identifier for the problem whose attempts you are resetting.

  • To do so, go in Course, and navigate to the component that contains the problem you want to reset for all learners.
  • Select Staff Debug Info. Information about the problem appears, including its location.
  • To copy the location of the problem, select the entire value after location =, right click, and then select Copy.
  • To close the Staff Debug viewer, click on the browser page outside of the viewer.View the live version of your course.
  1. View the live version of your course.
  2. Select Instructor, and then select Student Admin.
  3. To reset the number of attempts for all enrolled learners, go to Course-Specific grade adjustment. Enter the unique problem location.
  4. Select Reset ALL students’s attempts.
  5. A dialog opens to indicate that the reset process is in progress. Select OK. This process can take some time to complete. The process runs in the background, so you can navigate away from this page and do other work while it runs.
  6. To view the results of the reset process, go to Pending Tasks.

A table displays the status of the reset process for each learner or problem.

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