Updating course dates and time for the entire course

Click on Settings, then Schedule & Details.

In the field Course Date, update the start and end dates of the course. You can also define the course start and end time.

If you set a course start date in the future, then the course card display will be different and a note will be added to the learner, to let them know that the course will start in a future date. Learners won’t be able to enter the course before the start date.

Note: The course end date can be left blank. Add a Course End Date and then the course is declared as archived. The learners will still be able to view the archived course contents after the end date if they are already enrolled, however the course staff will no longer provide support in the forum, it will not be possible to earn a certificate, course tracking will be stopped and some assignments and other contents may be removed. 

Check the Close and archive course post.

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