Adding a Youtube Video Component

To add a video to a unit, secure the video’s YouTube ID, a URL for the back-up video on the third party site, and then create a Video component.

1. Inside your course unit, click on Add New Component, then click on Video.

2. Inside the default video component that displays, click on EDIT.

3. When the video component editor appears, find the following fields:

  • Component Display Name
  • Default video URL
  • Default Timed Transcript

4. In the field Component Display Name, replace the default text with the title you want.

5. The text typed in the Component Display Name field appears in the video header in Studio and on the learner’s view.

6. In the field Default video URL, type the URL of the video to be added.

7. At the top of the window, in the Advanced tab(to the right of Basic), you can allow video download by putting « True ».

8. A link to this URL now appears under the video player. The learner can click on the link to download a copy of the video.

9. Click on Save.

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