Course Overview / Course Summary Page

The following post is really important to market your course and to set-up all information that is necessary and useful for your learner. This page will also allow you to configure the course cards visible on the dashboard, the course page and the catalog (if enabled).

1. Go to Settings, and then to Schedule & Details.

2. You have β€œCourse Summary Page”, for learner enrollment and access.

3. Determine the start and the end of your course under “Course Schedule”.

3. Set course details such as: course language, course category and course tag.

4. Then fill all important information under “Introducing Your Course”.

  • Course Duration
  • Course Description
  • Course overview

To make your course presentation page even nicer, don’t hesitate to:

1. Add a course card image.

Note: course card image must be 400px wide by 310px tall and in JPEG format.

2. Add a customized Course Banner Image

Note: course card image must be 1000px wide by 600px tall and in JPEG or PNG format.

3. Add a course introduction video.

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