Close and archive a course

When you close a course, we say you are archiving it. To do so, go to Settings, and then Schedule & Details.

Add a Course End Date so that the course is declared as archived. The learners will still be able to view the archived course contents after the end date if they are enrolled. However the course staff will no longer provide support in the forum, it will not be possible to earn a certificate, course tracking will be stopped and some assignments and other contents may be removed. 

When your course reaches the end date set-up, then the course card display will be different and a note will be added to the learner, to let them know that the course is archived.

Learners can still have access to the course if they are already enrolled. Within the course, an “Archived” label is displayed.

Note that the course is not visible in the catalog anymore and new learners cannot self-enrolled to this archived course.

The courses data are avaiable on Triboo Analytics and on the learner transcript.

Instructor, Studio Admin and Platform Admin will be warn in the instructor dashboard and the Admin Center that the course is archived. It is their responsability to enroll learners to archived courses.

You can hide all the course sections in the Studio. To do so, you go to Content, Course Outline. Howevere you should be aware that hidden pages do have impact on Analytics.

You click on the parameters icon and then on Hide from students. However then learners will still have the clickable course cards but the course will be empty.

You can also removed learners from the course, but be aware that it will also delete all data that you have on Triboo Analytics. So you must do the data exports first.

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