Enable ILT into the course
In order to create an ILT Module within a course, go to Studio and choose Blended Learning from the Add New Component pane.
From the Blended Learning list choose Instructor Led Trainingto insert the ILT XBlock into the course.
Once the ILT component has been inserted, select Edit at the top right of the ILT component.
In the ILT editing modale you can add
- the Display Name that is visible on the Event Training widget and on the courseware
- the registration deadline that allow you to freeze enrollment to a session XX days before the session
- if the ILT will be scored or not
- the default icon that is visible on the courseware
- the weight of this ILT session (by default keep 1)
- a Description of the session that is visible on the courseware
� Note: The sessions that are included before the freeze and the official date launch will be displayed in the drop-down list but when they click on the session, the “Enroll” button is grayed out and a sentence explains that registrations are no longer accepted for this session. The sessions that are included before the freeze and the official date launch will be displayed in the drop-down list and they can bulk enroll/unenroll or manage the session as they want without any restriction.
Click on “Save” button to save the ILT block. Do not forget to publish the unit to the learners and create sessions in the courseware.