Adding SCORM Modules to your Course

Create a course as usual and create the section, subsection and unit.

Note: Your e-learning module must be in 1.2 or 2004 format.

1. Go to your course unit and click on Resources. Choose the SCORM component.

2. Click on the pen icon to edit the component.

  • Change the Display Name if you wish to.
  • Choose if you want to grade the SCORM to include it in the final grade and what is his weight in the unit. Only SCORM module with a quiz and a score must be graded, as the platform will expect a grade to set the component as completed.
  • If you don’t want to consider it as graded assessment, switch off the Score field. If the SCORM is set as ungraded, regardless of the SCORM configuration the learner will get the completion mark as soon as he/she open the page.
  • You can also choose to let learner open the module in a new tab or inside the platform under the Module option.

Note: Please be careful to your SCORM configuration in order for the learner to get the right completion.

3. Upload your SCORM package (.zip).

Note: Your e-learning module must be in 1.2 or 2004 format and the size of the SCORM should be lower than 300 Mo.

4. Publish and test by clicking on launch module on the learner side.

You are now ready to start!

You can update the SCORM without impact learner score, if you do not delete the SCORM component but only update the SCORM module and save the component. However we highly recommend you to test the SCORM module on the platform before launching the course.

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