Uploading Files

Importing an image

Before adding an image or a file to your course, you first need to import it to the Files & Uploads page, and we will see how to do this in this section of the guide.

Note : You can upload .png and .jpg image formats. We recommend .png format.

Choose an image to import.

From the Studio menu, click on Content, then click on Files & Uploads.

From the Files & Uploads page, click on Browse your computer.

Note: Do not import an image which has a name containing special characters (é, è…). If you upload an image in the objective of it being the badge illustration, do not put spaces either.

In the window which opens, select the image you want to upload and click on Open.

Note: You can import several files at the same time by pressing the SHIFT OR CTRL keys (SHIFT and Command on Mac) to select several files, then click on Open.

When the upload is completed. The imported file appears on the Files & Uploads page. You will find the file URL, the type of file and the date it was added.

Note: The URL in the static code format is used as an identification for all image and file you upload. Everytime you upload a file or an image, it is to use in the studio. To do so, you will always need the static code of the image/file.

To add more files, click on Browse your computer again.

If you have multiple pages of images and files, it may not appear at the top of the page. To see images according to an upload date, double click on Date Added.

Note: When you wish to replace an image/file, you have to delete the previous one so that you can import a new image/file with the same name as the one to be replaced. If you don’t delete the previous one, the risk is that it isn’t uploaded because of the identical name code.

To delete a file, click on the trash icon on the right of the file URL.

Unlock a file

By default, the file uploaded is locked that means that the web URL only allows learners who are enrolled in your course and signed in to access the file.

To unlock a file, desable the switch icon in the row for the file.

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