Adding a single question – Poll

1. In the unit created, under Add New Component, click on Advanced.

2. From the selection list, click on Poll. A component with a default poll appears.

3. Inside this component, click on Edit and the component editor appears. 

4. Complete the following fields:

  • Display name: corresponding to the title of the poll.
  • Question/Prompt: the poll question.
  • Feedback: give the learners a feedback after their anwers are submitted.
  • Private Results: allow or block the results from showing after polling.

Note : Putting a value other than 1 in this field implies that the Private Results field should have True as an answer. Putting 0 as the value in this field allows the learners to submit their answer any number of times they wish.

  • Maximum Submissions: determine the maximum number of times the learner can submit an answer to the poll.
  • Answer: write a suggested answer to the poll question.
  • Image URL: add an image to the suggested answer, putting either the image link or, if the image was already uploaded to the Files & Uploads part of the course, retrieve the studio link (link format : </static/nom_image>).

Note : it is possible to put a written answer only (Answer) OR an image (URL Image) OR a written answer with an image.

� Note : take note that if the answer is changed after the polling starts, the learners who will have voted for that answer will have their votes automatically attributed to the new answer. Consequently, an answer such as « true » should not be replaced by an answer with the opposite meaning – such as « false ». If a suggested answer is deleted, the learner’s votes in favor of that answer will also be deleted automatically. The learners can therefore vote again and they won’t be penalized as far as their progress in the MOOC.

5. Add a suggested answer by clicking on the Add Answer button.

6. Click on Save.

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