Adding Peer Assessment

1. In Studio, open the unit where you want to create the peer assessment.

2. Under Add New Component, select Problem.

3. Select Advanced, and then select Peer Assessment.

4. In the problem component that appears, select Edit. You use this component editor to add prompts and the rubric, and to specify other settings for the open response assessment component. Select Save each time you complete an editing session.

To add prompts, or questions, complete these steps.

  1. In the open response assessment component editor, select Prompt.
  2. Add the text of your question in the text field. Replace any default text if necessary.
  3. Select Add a Prompt to add another prompt in the problem.

ďż˝ Note: Currently, you cannot format text or add images inside the Peer Assessment component. To include formatting or images in a prompt, you can add an HTML component that contains your text above the Peer Assessment component, and leave the text field in the Prompt tab blank. The instructions for the peer assessment still appear above the Your Response field.

Learner platform display:

To add rubric to provide guidance for assessing responses within the assignment, complete these steps.

For each step below, replace any default text with your own text.

  1. In the open response assessment component editor, select the Rubric tab.
  2. In the first Criterion section, enter the name and prompt text of your first criterion.
  3. In the first Option section, enter the name, explanation, and point value for the first option.
  4. In the next Option section, enter the name, explanation, and point value for the next option.
  5. Repeat step 4 for each option. If you need to add more options, select Add Option.
  6. Next to Feedback for This Criterion, select a value in the dropdown list.
    • If you do not want to allow feedback for this individual criterion, select None.
    • If you want to require feedback, select Required.
    • If you want to allow feedback, but not require it, select Optional.
  7. Repeat steps 2-6 to add your remaining criteria. If you need to add more criteria, select Add Criterion at the end of the list of criteria.
  8. Include instructions for learners to provide overall written feedback on their peers’ responses. You can leave the default text in the Feedback Instructions field or replace it with your own text.

To specify a name for the assignment as well as start and due dates for all learner responses, complete these steps.

  1. In the component editor, select the Settings tab.
  2. Next to Display Name, type the name you want to give the assignment.
  3. Next to Response Start Date and Response Start Time, enter the date and time when you want learners to be able to begin submitting responses.
  4. Next to Response Due Date and Response Due Time, enter the date and time by which all learner responses must be submitted.
  5. Set Allow File Upload to one of these options.
    • Image File
    • PDF or Image File
    • Custom File Types

To specify peer assessment settings, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the Step: Peer Assessment heading.
  2. Next to Must Grade, enter the number of responses that each learner must grade.
  3. Next to Graded By, enter the number of learners that must grade each response.
  4. Next to Start Date and Start Time, enter the date and time when learners can begin assessing their peers’ responses.
  5. Next to Due Date and Due Time, enter the date and time by which all peer assessments must be completed.

For the self assessment step, you specify when the step starts and ends.

  1. Locate the Step: Self Assessment heading.
  2. Next to Start Date and Start Time, enter the date and time when learners can begin assessing their peers’ responses.
  3. Next to Due Date and Due Time, enter the date and time by which all peer assessments must be complete.

To allow learners to see the top scoring responses for the assignment, you specify a number on the Settings tab.

  1. In the component editor, select the Settings tab.
  2. In the Top Responses field, specify the number of responses that you want to appear in the Top Responses section below the learner’s final score. If you do not want this section to appear, set the number to 0. The maximum number is 100.

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