Exporting a course

Exporting a course allows for reuse of the course layout of the sections (title, section and the structure of sections and sub-sections) and the outline (position of units in the sub-sections) in building a new course.

1. Click on the Tools tab and under Export.

2. Click on the blue button Export Course Content a folder (extension .tar) to save your file.

Note: do not unzip the file exported! You cannot download the course as a whole.

Importing a course

Importing a course allows for reuse of the outline and page layout of the sections in building a new course.

1. Create a course.

2. Go to the Tools tab under the section Import.

3. Choose the folder previously saved (extension .tar) for import by clicking on Choose a file to import.

4. Click on Replace my course with the selected file.

5. Wait for all the fields to turn green, as in the example below.

6. To view the update status click on the blue button at the bottom of the page.

Here is a complete list of what you need to make sure of:

Data duplicated: hit or miss

Course nameYes, course name is replace by the duplicated course’s name
Course start dateYes
All other course datesYes, but you should update launching and deadline dates
Course structure (sections, subsections, units) and state (published, planned, hidden)Yes
Title’s implementationYes
Files uploaded to the course (including videos and PDF contents)Yes, but links and documents have to be checked
New pages added to the courseYes
Course UpdatesYes
Advanced SettingsYes
QuizQuizzes have to be tested to validate that the progress updates as expected
SCORM ModuleNo, unless if you use the re-run feature
Student enrollment dataNo
Special rolesNo, only the user that has duplicated the course is admin of the duplicated course
Posts and discussion messages, pollsNo, you must recreate it

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