Export Certificates in Bulk

This feature allows you to export in bulk certificates of learners.

1. Go to the learners’ platform, go to Instructor, Certificates, and then to Certificate Export.

2. Write the email address and/or usernames of the learners separated by new lines or commas, click generate button.

3. After few seconds, this will create a zip file containing all the certificates in PDF format. The file download link will appear just below.

Note: If a user who’s certificate you are trying to access, has yet not to successfully pass the course, you will see the error “UserName: notpassing“. If the user ID is not found in the roster of the course, the error will read: “UserName: User does not exist“.

Note: For large export (3 000+), the export can take some time to process but when it’s done, the zip file will appear in the list, you can leave the page and come back later. The file is a zip file and the certificates inside are in pdf format.
You need to setup your certificate design first (contact your project manager, if it’s not done yet).

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