With Triboo, you are able to create assessments that randomly pull all their questions from question bank. For example, let’s say you have a bank of 100 questions, but you want to just show 25 random questions from this bank to each learner so that that each will receive a unique assessment. Below we will delve into creating the question bank.

When you enter Studio, from the home page you will see, to the top-right, a green button that says “+ New Library”. Click this button.

A “Create New Library” form will appear at the top of the page. Fill out the following information:

  • Library Name – For general identification
  • Organization – This is where you would specify the platform you desire the Library to appear in.
  • Library Code – Unique code that identifies the library

After the form is completely filled, click the “Create” button below.

Once the library is created, if you click on it you will see one sample question. Below this sample you will see the “Add New Component” menu.

For a Question bank, you will have the following options:

  • HTML-base problem types
  • Common & Advanced Problem Types
  • Video Upload

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