Certificates and Course Start Dates

If your course is configured to issue certificates, you cannot start the course until the required certificates are activated.

Certificate Design

To add a certificate for your course, follow these steps.

1. Create your certificate template on a PowerPoint document (A4 format). Check the dedicated article.

  • Check with your Project Manager and Customer Success Manager to make sure the template is feasible
  • Validate the content and the layout
  • Send the final version to your Project Manager and Customer Success Manager

2. When the certificate template has been integrated, You can preview the certificate to see how it will appear to a learner taking the course in the selected mode. Go under the Instructor Dashboard menu, select Certificates, you can now generate an example of the certificate. 

Enable Certificates

Before learners can download certificates, you must enable certificates for your course.

1. From the Instructor Dashboard menu, select Certificates.

2. Click on “Generate Example Certificates

Certificates in an Instructor-Paced Course

In instructor-paced courses, two behaviors are possible.

  1. By default, the instructor will decide when to generate the course certificates. Certificates need to be generated manually. To do so, from the Instructor Dashboard, select Certificates and use the Certificate Export section to generate the certificates.

You can configure your course to decide when learners will be informed that certificates are available. To do so, go to the Advanced Settings of your course and set the Certificates Display Behavior:

  • “End”: Learners will be informed when certificates are generated and the course ended.
    • If the course hasn’t ended, then no message is displayed in Progress.
    • If the course has ended, but the instructor hasn’t generated the certificates, then all learners see in Progress a message saying “The certificate is not yet available because it’s an instructor-paced course”.
    • If the course has ended, and the instructor has generated the certificates, and the learner has a passing score, then the learner sees the button “Download Your Certificate” in Progress and a download link on the course card.
    • If the course has ended, and the instructor has generated the certificates, but the learner has not a passing score, then the learner sees a message “You haven’t passed the course” in Progress.
  • “Early no info” (option set by default): Learners with a passing score will be informed when certificates are generated.
    • If the instructor has not generated the certificates, then no message is displayed in Progress.
    • If the instructor has generated the certificates, and the learner has a passing score, then the learner sees the button “Download Your Certificate” in Progress and a download link on the course card.
    • If the instructor has generated the certificates, but the learner has not a passing score, then no message is displayed in Progress.
  • “Early with info”: All learners will be informed when certificates are generated.
    • If the instructor has not generated the certificates, then a message “The certificate is not yet available because it’s an instructor-paced course” is displayed in Progress.
    • If the instructor has generated the certificates, and the learner has a passing score, then the learner sees the button “Download Your Certificate” in Progress and a download link on the course card.
    • If the instructor has generated the certificates, but the learner has not a passing score, then the learner sees in Progress a message saying “You haven’t passed the course”.

2. Alternatively, Instructor-paced courses can also be configured to enable Learner-Generated Certificates. In this scenario, learners will be able to request / generate their course certificate as soon as they pass the course, similarly to Self-paced courses. To do so:

  • From the Instructor Dashboard menu, select Certificates.
  • In the Learner-Generated Certificates box, click on “Enable Learner-Generated Certificates” button to activated it.
  • Confirm on the modal by clicking on “Ok

�  Note: To switch back to the default behavior, you can click on “Disable Learning-Generated Certificates”.

Certificates in an Self-Paced Course

In self-paced courses, learners can request a course certificate as soon as they pass the course according to the Grading rules of the course. In their course Progress page, they should now see a message saying they qualified for a certificate and they can click on the button “Request Certificate” to generate one. Once the certificate is generated, learners see a message saying their certificate is available and they can download it by clicking on “Download Your Certificate”. A link “Download Certificate” should also appear on the course card.

If they haven’t requested their certificate yet, when they reach the end of the course and click the “Finish” button, we automatically request the generation of the certificate, so it’s ready to download from their course Progress page or from the course card.

Reminder: your course certificate is not available for issuing to learners until it is enable. Before enabling the certificate, check the following points:

  • The Course Completion rule and the Overall Grade Range criteria to get the certificate is in conformity with what you want.

�  Note: You can change the Overall Grade Range even after you started generating the certificates, but it is not recommended. It’s retroactive.

  • The Weight of Total Grade of your badges in the Grading tab are correct. 

Edit a Certificate


As a best practice, do not make request changes to certificates in a running course if it is possible that certificates have already been issued to learners, because different learners might be awarded certificates with different details for the same course.

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