The course pages are very easy to navigate, but first there are some important components that require familiarization.

Course Menu Bar

The first thing to notice is the Course Menu Bar. It is located right above the course content. This is your main point of navigation across the different pages of the course.

These Course Pages can be customized. Each can be added or removed, with the exception of Overview.

Course Top Banner

On the top of the course presentation page, you will be able to see:

  • Your completion rate on this course
  • All details of this course

When you access the course, you will have

  • Bookmarks – You are able to bookmark subsections of your course. Clicking this tab, will filter the course to show only your bookmarked sections.
  • Search Bar – This will search in the course the keywords you input into this field. It will return to you all the subsections with the matching word.

Course Content Menu

This contains all the sections and subsections within the course. The sections that contain a trophy icon designates a section containing an assessment that will grant a badge upon completion.

Course Content

The course content is located just to the right of the Menu. This is the section of the screen that contain the actual course content all the assessments.

Progress nav-bar

At the top of your course content, you will see a progress nav-bar. This bar shows you where you are located on the course (colored item) and what you already complete (tick).

You can also navigate between pages by clicking on the small icons. The round icons represent course pages and the trophy-shaped icons represent pages with one or more graded-activities.

To validate a course page progression (and get the tick), you must:

  • see more than 50% of the video,
  • complete the SCORM module,
  • try quizzes,
  • and stay at least 1 second on each other component that compose the page.

When all icon are ticked, the learner will get 100% of course progress (completion).

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