Managing Your Course Team

On Studio, go to the Settings tab and choose the section Course Team.

Click on Add a New Team Member.

Add the email address of the new team member, then click on Add User.

You can then Add admin access to the user. The user will be then able to add other team member to this course or delete it.

All course team members except instructor (who do not have Studio Admin access) can access content in Studio and the LMS, but are not automatically enrolled in the course.

  • Admin: This user has Admin Access to the course, because he/she is the one who created the course or this user has been granted Admin Access by another Admin. They can add and remove other course team members.
  • Staff: This user can edit the course but cannot manage the course team (cannot add a new member or change other members’ access). They are course co-authors. They have also full writing and editing privileges on all course content.
  • Instructor: This user has no access to the Studio, but has been added to the course team by an Admin. He/She cannot be granted Admin Access to the course. He/she will have access to the ILT Admin Panel.

Note: Course Staff and Course Admin are not automaticaly enrolled to the course to avoid the case of having too many enrollments. Instructors are automaticaly enrolled to the course, but they are unenrolled if they are removed from the course team as instrcutors.

Transferring Ownership

Every course must have at least one Admin. If you are the Admin and you want to transfer ownership of the learning path, click Add admin access to make another user the Admin, then ask that user to remove you from the course Team list.

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