Your courses will be represented on each platform pages as course cards. Each course card is filled with valuable information to give you feedback on your status in each course.
Course cards contain the following information:
- One-Click Access to Course presentation page
- Course Title
- Course Language
- Course Category
- Course Scheduling – Start and End Dates
- Completion Percentage
- Number of badges and estimated time to complete the course
If you set a course start date in the future, then the course card display will be different and a note will be added to the learner, to let them know that the course will start in a future date. Learners won’t be able to enter the course before the start date.
When your course reaches the end date set-up, then the course card display will be different and a note will be added to the learner, to let them know that the course is archived. Learners can still have access to the course if they are already enrolled. However the course is not visible in the catalog anymore and new learners cannot self-enrolled to this archived course.